01) Q: **I have added My Listen Url but my Player is Not working How Can I fix This ?**

A: First Of All You Need a https link for this player to work with http link this player will not work, This days Most of the browser Needs Https Listen links
on the listen link you have to add the server url with the port. for example if your link is https://s3.yesstreaming.net:19000/stream ,In first box you have to add _https://s3.yesstreaming.net:19000_ only , in Mount point you have to add _stream_


02)Q: **My player Works But I see Loading Only No Metadata**

A: You have to select correct server type, You should Know your Server is Shoutcast or Ice-cast


03)Q: **Everything is correct but Still my Player is not showing the meta data**

A: Your Https Link may use a proxy server try to add your http link in the second http optional box, or you can use a jason file url to fix this issue


04)Q: **Im using Wordpress Plugin i see the player but not the Last played Songs Album Covers **

A: Please try to add this line with in the body

<script src='https://play.yesstreaming.com/dist/owl.carousel.js'></script>

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