We get different type of Encoders for Laptop, Desktop, Smartphone and other compatible devices. 

Specially Any  Encoder captures audio from your line-in, microphone or any audio being played over your sound device and then encodes this audio in real-time to be streamed over the internet to listeners across the world and we are able to listen different types of media like: Web Browsers,  Desktop Based Softwares, Mobile Apps and Other different types of Devices & Medium. 

Via Any Encoders you can easily connect  your audio to Solo radio Panel seamlessly and without any interrupting listeners. The automated switch features allow you to switch from autoDJ to Live without any manual task. 

Go Live  with Created  DJ Account : 

Step 1: 

Login in to Solo radio Panel Broadcasters Panel using your User name and Password. 

Step 2 :  

From Main navigation section Click on "DJ"  Now DJ Management page load.  Click on "Add DJ" button, here Add New DJ page open. In this page Browse the DJ Image, Type Name, Check on "Active" Insert Password and Click on "Add DJ".

You redirect to the DJ Management Page and you see the newly created DJ details in List. 

Step 3:

From the DJ List Click on "Edit" Button and you get the Connection parameters. Use the same connection  Parameters in your Encoding Software. Each Encoding Software have different steps to start Encoding follow their guide  for the same. 


Step 4: Note Never Disable Autodj, Make sure its enabled all the time

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